pondělí 25. září 2017

The Ideal Teacher

1. (Before opening the blog)Take a small piece of paper and wite a single quality/characteristics of a teacher which you consider to be the most valued form the point of the view of the LEARNER.

Is your suggestion listed below?

2. HOMEWORK: Read the short article at http://teacherhabits.com/myth-ideal-teacher/.

Review your personal experience with the educational process. In groups of 4, discuss briefly the role of TIMING, PERSONALITY, SHEER LUCK.

3. Native or non-native?
Make groups of 3. Roles: English Teacher, Eager Parent, Headmaster
Collect arguments for your position before starting the play.

English Teacher: preferes teaching English through the kid's native language.
Eager Parent: strongly believes that only a native speaker can teach the kid properly.
Headmaster: must decide who of the two potential candidates will be accepted as a new English Teacher - a native or a non-native?

Aim: help the hedmaster come to the final decision.


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Authentic materials

 ..are not created to teach the language.  A simple definition, isn't it? Task 1:  List all possible types of authentic materials! Task ...