sobota 18. listopadu 2017
Multiple Intelligences
What are you good at?
List your suggestions in the comments to this blog entry.
Take the test at
Download free_multiple_intelligences_test.xls from capsa and try it out!
Questions to consider:
1. Do you trust the results? Why yes, or why no?
2. Does the result reflect your self-evaluation? Or is it somehow different?
WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE NOW? is the MI theory trustworthy?
State your belief/claim in the comment to this blog entry.
Consider the MI theory implications for teaching.
Gardner's site
Howard Gardner on Youtube
pondělí 6. listopadu 2017
Krashen's Monitor Model
Browse the net and prepare a 5 min presentation/explanation of the principles, implications and drawbacks of the chosen Hypothesis.
Krashen's theory of second language acquisition consists of five main hypotheses:
the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis,
the Monitor hypothesis,
the Input hypothesis,
the Natural Order hypothesis,
and the Affective Filter hypothesis.
SK himself on Language Acquisition
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Authentic materials
..are not created to teach the language. A simple definition, isn't it? Task 1: List all possible types of authentic materials! Task ...
What is information gap? Search online for info-gap materials used for ELT. HOMEWORK: What are the drawbacks and benefits of an inform...
What are you good at? List your suggestions in the comments to this blog entry. Take the test at
1. (Before opening the blog) Take a small piece of paper and wite a single quality/characteristics of a teacher which you consider to be the...