čtvrtek 9. prosince 2021

Authentic materials

 ..are not created to teach the language. 

A simple definition, isn't it?

Task 1:  List all possible types of authentic materials!

Task 2


Create questions which can be added to the video to train comprehension.

Task 3



Why do such sites exist?

středa 8. prosince 2021

Textbook evaluation

Make groups of 4 and proceed to the following tasks. Work independently, ask for the tutor's support yourself whenever necessary!

TASK 1 (10') 

Below you can see a  list of criteria suggested to evaluate any ELT material.

Use PEN AND PAPER. Organise the criteria into three categories: 

  1. General view
  2. Teacher's view
  3. Student's view
Consider. Any aspects missing? Add your own ideas.

TASK 2 (20')
Browse the pile of texbooks available in the class.  In the group, agree on one of them (use the whole SET if available!). Evaluate the textbook according to the listed criteria.

TASK 3 (10' or 2' each group)
Present your evaluation to the class. Focus on the main positives nad neagtives of the chosen material.


ELT material evaluation criteria

  • approach + methodology (gram.translational vs. communicative; covert vs. overt)
  • attractivity:  topics, heroes, comic strips…
  • book organisation (linear vs. cyclical) + structure
  • corresponding with the age
  • cultural setting
  • enables individual work
  • L1 role (instructions in Czech or English?)
  • language skills balance
  • practical issues: materials included in the set available (recordings, workbook, posters, flashcards, videos, tests, interactive materials, online support...)
  • price, availability, date of publishing
  • publisher (CZ-EN-Other)
  • readability (dyslexics)
  • structure – easy to navigate
  • supporting Ss’ creativity and independence (Projects)
  • T’s book and instructions for Ss’
  • the amount of grammar explanation
  • the balance between presentation and practice (1:10)
  • visual impression (decorative vs. useful)
  • vocabulary range

Authentic materials

 ..are not created to teach the language.  A simple definition, isn't it? Task 1:  List all possible types of authentic materials! Task ...