pondělí 20. září 2021

Methodology after Covid



Reflect your experience: Specify the changes in teaching methods and approaches which may be brought in during the pandemy.

Insert your ideas into the comments to this blog entry.

17 komentářů:

  1. Before the pandemic, there were less demands from the teachers (in my eyes) and a lot less essays. There was less school work, and in class presentation made by students weren’t so stressful to some. During the pandemic, some teachers handled the situation very well. They communicated regularly with the students, sent prerecorded lectures or made live classes on the internet. But, looking at it widely, there was less teacher-student interaction, some even let us work individually without any of their imput and at the end of the semester, they just added examination dates and we then came to school to participate. I think it was more difficult in some ways, in others it was beneficial for the students (for example, the option to replay some lectures ad understand it better).

  2. From my point of view, the distance lessons demanded from students to be a lot more independent than usual. The lessons were rather formal and distant and they were too monotonous for the students : get on Zoom,Discord ect. listen to the teacher for 1-2 hours and do your homework. I personally had trouble to find myself motivated to do anything.

  3. From my point of view, distance learning was more like a self-studying in almost half of the classes. But I see a lot of benefits in working from the comfort of your home. Professors started to record audio recordings-when you did not understand something, you could just get back and repeat it until you understood and after the whole semester I always understood the subject better than if I was sitting at school. I also felt more comfortable to do presentations online than doing them in class. We had the possibility to visit or see more webinars with other qualified people, articles, games, videos. On the other side, it was so long to just sit and listen, it was hard to focus and keep your motivation. There was much more home works to do, much more essays and reading, so after all it felt like I spent much more time doing school work than I did before pandemic.

  4. In my opinion, the pandemic brought a breath of fresh air to the stuffy environment of Czech educational system. For example, what could have been an email actually was an email. But both the students and the teachers were under a lot of pressure. Students were expected to become even more independent than before. As for the teachers, they were supposed to become more acquainted with modern technology, which is never a bad thing.
    Jana Bartáková

  5. In my opinion, we have subjects that can be handled online during a pandemic. When, for example, it is taught through ZOOM, teams or BBB. And they also worked this way online during the pandemic, where a teacher sits on one side of the computer and tells the assignment and students merely write on the other. However, subjects such as physical education can never be accessed online. In both cases there is no contact with the teacher, but sometimes it can be done. On the other hand, enough educators are now lazy. All they have to do is send their homework, and the students operate in the form of self-study.

  6. Kateřina Fulierová24. září 2021 v 16:36

    In my opinion the pandemic did not really change the teaching approach that much, but it should have. Most of the teachers did the same thing as usual – sitting in front of us and making a lecture – even if it was on-line. Even though the on-line world offers a huge range of possibilities for different teaching approaches like using different sites, on-line educational materials, questioners and much more. If there was a change in some of the teacher’s approaches, it was mostly more guidance from them and more self-work from us. This was certainly okay but did not quite match my desires in the learning experience. And it is in my opinion the biggest issue we had to deal with during the pandemic as students that some teachers couldn´t really keep up with the technology and give us the same opportunities for learning like they do when meeting in person, so the school became much more a self-learning environment for us.

  7. I think that the pandemic was difficult to go through for both teachers and students, because none of us really had to deal with the issues that come with the inability to meet each other in person before. Speaking as a student, it was hard for me to remain focused and motivated during the online lectures. Sitting in front of a computer for several hours a day all week and pay attention was frustrating. I also agree with some of the comments above, that our teachers demanded a lot more independence from each of us, which was not always a good thing in my opinion. Some teachers did not even provide us with any lectures whatsoever and only assigned a bunch of homework and essays to us, which made me feel like they do not care about their students at all. Some of the teachers tried to be innovative and creative about their online lectures, which I appreciated, but most of them stuck to their traditional form of lecturing, which was usually very frontal. Overall, I am glad that we were finally able to return to the school and I would be really disappointed if we were forced to leave again.

  8. In my opinion I have never imagined the change of life during covid- pandemic and how hard it could be. It is important to mention that for both sides, not just for teachers it was really difficult situation. The humans were not able to deal with the shocking changes that also influenced our studying. To be honest the studying during the covid was really difficult for myself, because I really lacked the personal contact with teachers and other students and I have to confess that these changes were not pleasant for none of us. On the other side this situation could have shown the teachers from the other side, because now they also had to learn something new. The distance education doesn´t mean just to speak in front of the camera, but it shows us another teacher´s skills, such as drawing attention, working with IT, replace the contact with students and being inovative. But from another point of view the situation showed us the drawbacks. Lot of people lost empathy, people became ruthless, because for example the students were forced to depend just on themselves and it was not possible to discuss the problems with teachears on the suitable level. What I really liked was that it was possible that we could have replayed the lectures how many times we wanted, but on the other side I am not glad that many people lost their humanity. I prefer teaching in personal way.

  9. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

    1. During the pandemic we learned to work with the technics more, we could say this was one of the pluses of this online classes, we had to learn to work with many websites(BleButton, Teams, Zoom, Google Classroom,...) and program and learned students to be more independent. I think some are actually useful even now for example google classroom can help to keep the materials and homeworks organized. Especially for me but I think partly for everyone it took the will and ability to study and focus, it also affected memory of people very badly. Because it is very hard for many of us to focus on some voices when we do not even see the person.It was good that we were given prerecorded lessons or presentations so everyone could look when they needed and luckily the classes were also slightly shorter than in real life so it was a bit easier to focus but we had extra amount of homeworks which I think was really too much. I think it takes people a lot of confidence too to not be able to check their answers and thoughts or fully express themselves and their ideas.

  10. I agree with most of the comments above, the most positive aspect for me was the ability to re-play or re-read the materials we were given, in order to understand the topics better. On the other hand, the frontal way of teaching was harder to handle online than it is offline. The lack of communication and socialization with both the classmates and the teachers was a big problem for me as well. It was nice to see how some of the teachers handled the situation and were able to keep up with the technology, I think it is good to continuously learn something new. It was definitely useful for the students to see how independent and able to manage their own time they are, in order to better themselves or reconsider what they really want to do.

  11. In my opinion, the pandemic forced us to become more independent and to rely on our self-study. Next thing is that teaching methods during the pandemic somehow improved definitely. I would say that before pandemic, just a few teachers worked with platforms and with virtual space at all. The pandemic just accelerated the technologies in education and now I think that some things still hold on.. such as lectures as videos, consultation online, activities in some applications. Dominik Oravec

  12. I experienced pandemic only during my studies at the university. In our environment, it is not necessary to be extremely original regarding teaching methods, because we are grown ups and the studying is our responsibility only. I must say that I didn´t mind doing work on my own (some teachers just send us some info and tasks and let us work on our own), but I also liked when teacher tried to do regular lessons and lectures.
    But I am really happy to be back with claasmates and teachers.

  13. During C19 pandemic, I found out how unsatisfactory it was to learn from home only via computer. Problems that were not only with the internet connection, but also subsequent health problems such as headaches etc.

  14. When I look at it from a purely educational perspective, I believe that distance learning has little to no bad things, at least for me personally. I can not speak for everyone without a proper research, but I believe that college students, in general, "suffered" the least. We are all adults after all. No one really cares about our degree but us. We know why we are here. We know why we want to study. We know what we want to achieve with our degree, why we need it, why we want it, and what to do for it. We are the ones who have decided to study, we have chosen to be here. It was our decision, our free will to be in college. And I think that is a huge difference between college students and high school/primary school students. We even have the opportunity to earn a degree later in life.

    My experience with distance learning was the most wonderful experience I had, speaking purely from the educational perspective. I even wanted to study remotely this year but I was told that we, sadly, do not have the option. Why I liked it so much? Well, I knew what I had to do in order to pass each class, I had all the material I needed and I knew my deadlines. That's it. Everything was there, in my computer. I could spend all week learning one subject I knew I was weak at, and I could "ignore" the subject I knew I could more easily learn. However now, when I have to go to school, I spend 2 hours sitting in a class I'm weak at, BUT then I have to go and sit for another 2 hours in a class I believe I'm good at. This is not only a lost time because I may understand the subject more easily, but also a lost time I could otherwise use learning the first subject that I'm really struggling with.

    This experience made me believe that all college students should have the choice if they want to study online or not. We have moodle, after all. Teachers would just upload and update materieals for students who want to study online and teach the ones who want to sit in school.

    I think students who really didn't like the online school will agree with me when I say that it was really unfair for them to be forced to learn at home. However, because I've gained this new perspective, I also have to say that it is really unfair for students who prefered online school to be forced to learn at school. Please bear in mind that I'm talking only about the college students here. College education is a free choice, it SHOULD be a free choice. We are adults who have decided to get a higher education and we should understand that it is our responsibility to do something for it. However, education is not a job. Education is a gift and an opportunity to soak up knowledge that may enrich our lives. And every adult student who is seeking this education should be allowed to be educated in a way that is most efficient FOR HIM. Maybe this is a fairy tale, but I believe.... I want to believe, that it could be done.

    1. The problem starts when it comes to high school and primary school students. These students are learning because they.. well.. because they have to. Most of the students don't even want to learn, they don't yet understand or value their education (for various reasons) and so on. Most high school students don't even know what they want to study. Sometimes they realize that they have picked the wrong school and they just suffer for those 3 to 4 years in there. Puberty, wanting to have fun, not caring about school or education are other reasons why distance learning is really difficult to do in a high school.

      When it comes to young primary school students it's even worse. Why? Becasue they are children! They still see the world from a children's perspective, they want to play, they want do this and that. They can't concentrate for a long period of time, they get easily distracted. They get excited by all sorts of things. These children need to be in school, they need to socialize and learn in school. It's really important for their development but also because they are kids. A good English teacher can use games, songs, plays, poems, personal feedback, group games, group projects, and more! A good English teachers makes use of all the things that children find fascinating and exciting. He watches their level of concentration and does several activies to keep them engaged, and to make their learning experience enjoyable. I have fallen in love with English just because of teachers like this!! And I tremble with horror just imagining properly and successfuly educating children like this.... ONLINE! Is that even possible?!

      Small children also need a lot of attention... and when they are at home, they seek this attention from parents. They suddenly have to watch that their young children are learning, that they are not slacking off. They have to be there for them and help them with everything because they suddenly do everything at home. This is really bad for young children and stressful for parents.

      I'm really sad to say this, but I think I would fail in educating small children online. It's really limiting, and really hard because of the children's nature. This is also why I believe that online education for small children like this would never happen if it wasn't really necessary.(Pandemic) There are little to no, if any, benefits for small children in distance learning.

    2. But here are some ideas I would try to use:

      1. Zoom classes are not long, they are easy-going and not serious.

      2. I would encourage children to talk about their homes, to show me their toys, drawings, to basically talk about their lives. Many teacher said that young children always got distracted by something. Brother, parents, their pets, the teacher's pets :D, and so on. I would try to use that. "Let's talk about that! In English!"
      (Depends on their level of English, but a lot can be done)

      3. I would try to come up with free time activities they can do while stuck at home. "Draw something and name everythign you've drawn, watch this cartoon on YouTube in English, listen to this song and try to sing along, make a questionare in English for your parents, write a description of your favorite toy, and so on" Creativity is a key here. I would also ask children what they want to do, or make them pick an activity from a list.

      4. Understand that small children are really sensitive. They feel the stress from their parents, they can struggl with death in their family, they can themselves feel alone, stressed, sad, etc. So.. I wouldn't want to drown children responsibilities to my class like their life was depending on it. It's important to be mindful of the situation.

      5. Language learning should be fun... I would try my best to make my class feel like a free time, like something where children can relax, be happy and learn in a fun way.

      That's it. This is my opinion and this is what I would do as an English teacher. I would try to do my best. The younger the children are, the harder it is to educate online. And the more important it is for children to be at school.


Authentic materials

 ..are not created to teach the language.  A simple definition, isn't it? Task 1:  List all possible types of authentic materials! Task ...