pondělí 4. října 2021

Information Gap

"The communicative approach to language learning stresses the need for meaningful communication, emphasising that if students have a genuine reason or motivation to talk then they will learn to use the language more effectively."


Or simply: Nothing to say - no need to study a langauge.


Go to ESL PRINTABLES PAGE. Choose an activity you like among the information gap worksheet, and try it out with your partner. Make notes:

  • What is the target group?
  • Is the topic and task reflecting our reality/culture?
  • What are the vocabulary and structures needed?
  • Did you enjoy the activity? Why, why not?
Ad the link + your notes/evaluation to the comments to this blog entry.

12 komentářů:

  1. Group (Hodková, Hamplová, Vanický, Perková)
    1) target: 12-17
    2) we'd say yes, it is about traveling
    3) travel vocabulary, transport vocabulary, activities at the airport, time, ability so say what we prefer, countries, what I'd like to do, and where I'd like to travel and how
    - yes, we enjoyed it, we like to travel, and it is important to know how to get somewhere and ask someone when we don't know how
    - it is favorite topic to discuss
    link: https://www.eslprintables.com/speaking_worksheets/information_gap_activities/Information_Gap_Speaking_Activ_207174/

  2. Fulierová, Thiemová6. října 2021 v 22:29

    1) target 6-12
    2) We think that it reflects reality, the characters have real names, age, places of living, jobs etc.
    3) Vocabulary to introduce yourself and say something more about yourself and understand what someone else says about themself, how to ask for information from other using phrases like "Where are you from?" "What is your name?"
    4) We did enjoy the activity, we even laught about some of the answers (Pizza for breakfast?), but the only thing is that after two or three characters it starts to be a little repetative, which is not so good for us but for children it might be alright.

    link https://www.eslprintables.com/speaking_worksheets/information_gap_activities/Information_Gap_for_ice_breaki_779834/

  3. Group: Budinský, Bílek
    1) target group: 14-17
    2) We believe taht id reflects reality. It talks about real places and probable weather that we can expectt there.
    3) Vocabulary to describe weather and different geographical locations.
    4) We enjoyed it. It was simple and quick to do. And we also had fun hiding our sheets from one another (yes we are somewhat childish).


  4. 1. target group: 10-14
    2. Probably yes, the words used describe ordinary things in our lives(house, eggs, bus, school,..)
    3. Vocabulary regarding the chosen activities in the exercise - children use irregular verbs
    link: https://www.eslprintables.com/speaking_worksheets/information_gap_activities/Irregular_Past_Information_g_316227/

  5. Group: Vránová, Jelínek
    1/ the target group: 10 - 14 (the concept and vocabulary is not exactly easy)
    2/ absolutely - it is very realistic role play game (secretary/boss), the game contains names, clients, wife
    3/ children should know some office vocab. (fax, mail, invoice), of course basic higher level vocabulary (wife, kindergarden) and acronyms (ASAP). And conserning grammar - children should know how to use tenses and how to ask questions.
    4/ yes, we did, these role plays are always more fun than just asking questions.

  6. Group: David Kopáč / Michal Mráček
    (Where have your friends been? From seminar 7.10.)
    1) 10-15 (We think around 3rd grade)
    2) Yeah, it shows what and how we think about the countries from our own experience
    3) basic knowledge: names of countries, activities, places (the sea, mountains ect.)
    4) it was alright, we would change it to 'Where would you like to travel to?' Reasoning: not all children might have
    been to foreign countries and might have difficulties to find topics to talk about

  7. Group: Procházková, Ungr
    1) The target group: 8-15
    2) The task involves characters from an animated movie so it does not reflect our reality per se, but it definitely reflects our culture (it being a popular movie)
    3) The vocabulary needed is pretty basic, although there is a wide range of different vocabulary items regarding activities, food, animals etc. On top of that children also need to be able to form basic questions and statements.
    4) It was okay, it was simple and straightforward

  8. Group: Houdek, Součková

    1) The target group: 14 - 17
    2) The task is focused on the weather so we believe, that this reflects our reality pretty well since we all need to deal with shifting weather.
    3) The task revolves around students making pairs and speaking about the weather. So the vocabulary needed is weather and being able to describe the temperature.
    4) We enjoyed it, a simple task that makes students speak with each other.


  9. 1. Age 11-15
    2. Yes, it does. It is very useful and helpful in real situations that can possibly happen. For example, when the child meets a foreigner in the Prague Metro and has to explain the stops and how to change the trains for the foreigner to get where he needs.
    3. Knowledge of colours, numbers, directions, vocabulary and phrases useful for giving directions.
    4. Yes, we did. We can imagine using this type of conversation in real life, we find it very useful to be able to practise it in the classroom. We also like the fact that every teacher/lecturer can adjust the difficulty level to the needs of their students.


    Hájková, Bartáková

  10. 1. Age 9-17
    2. It does reflect a reality, it's about food. It's about well-known food (fruit, vegetables, dairy, pastry). Children see this type of food on a daily basis.
    3. Knowledhe of food. Basic grammar structures "there is, there are" However, the work sheet is showing how to form these questions and answers. :)
    4. Yes, I think this type of excercise is really fun. Drawing is also really fun activity. The worksheet is also really helpful because it can guide the children.


  11. Anna Focke
    1. Age group: 8-10
    2. It does reflect reality in a way. It includes characters from a real cartoon which children know and the base is a simple family tree the children can use for their own family too.
    3. Vocabulary needed: family members, knowing the structure of a question
    4. It would be fun to play if i was a child and had a partner to play with. I used to love The Simpsons when i was little and so i would enjoy this activity.


  12. Group: Kůrka, Jonáš
    1. Target group: 11-13
    2. Yes, since it is useful in everyday situations. It is very probable that you will one day use this in reality.
    3. You need to know names of places and buildings and at least some basic directional phrases.
    4. It was alright, the main benefit of this is that you have to speak to your partner and learn and practise this vocabulary some different way.



Authentic materials

 ..are not created to teach the language.  A simple definition, isn't it? Task 1:  List all possible types of authentic materials! Task ...