středa 13. listopadu 2019


J. A. Komenský - Analytická didaktika (1648)
Nezačínej vyučovati toho, kdo není připraven k tomu, aby byl vyučován.

Poněvadž není záhodno mluvit k člověku, který nehodlá slyšeti, ukazovati něco tomu, kdo se nehodlá dívati, jíti před tím, kdo nehodlá následovati. Proto se nedoporučuje vyučovati toho, kdo se nehodlá učit . Jestliže to přece podnikáš, znamená to mařit práci a čas.

Task 1
How do you define a DISCIPLINED CLASS?

Task 2
Read the following texts describing various class situations. In pairs/groups discuss possible reactions of the teacher. Enter your suggestions into the comments to this blog entry.

The teacher of a mixed class of thirteen-year-olds is working through a class reader in an English lesson. He asks Terry to read out a passage. 'Do we have to do this book?' says Terry. 'It's boring.' Some members of the class smile, one says 'I like it', others are silent awaiting the teacher's reaction.
(from E. C. Wragg, Class Management and Control, Macmillan, 1981, p. 12)

The teacher is explaining a story. Many of the students are inattentive, and there is a murmur of quiet talk between them. The teacher disregards the noise and speaks to those who are listening. Finally she reproaches, in a gentle and sympathetic way, one student who is talking particularly noticeably. The student stops talking for a minute or two, then carries on.
This happens once or twice more, with different students. The teacher does not get angry, and continues to explain, trying (with only partial success) to draw students' attention through occasional questions, (adapted from Sarah Reinhorn-Lurie, Unpublished research project on classroom discipline, Oranim School of Education, Haifa, 1992)

The teacher has prepared a worksheet and is explaining how to do it. He has extended his explanation to the point where John, having lost interest in the teacher's words, begins to tap a ruler on his desk. At first the tapping is occasional and not too noticeable, but John begins to tap more frecuently and more noisily, building up to a final climax when he hits the table with a very loud bang. The class, startled by the noise, falls silent, and looks at both John and the teacher to see what will happen.
(adapted from E. C. Wragg, Class Management and Control, Macmillan, 1981, p. 18)

The teacher begins by giving out classroom books and collecting homework books.
Teacher (to one of the boys): This book's very thin.
Boy1: Yeah, 'tis, isn't it.
Teacher: Why?
Boy 1: I've been drawing in it.
Boy 2: He's been using it for toilet paper, sir.
(adapted from E. C. Wragg, (ed.) Classroom Teaching Skills, Crcom Helm, 1984, p. 32)

The students have been asked to interview each other for homework and write reports. In this lesson they are asked to read aloud their reports. A few students refuse to do so. The teacher tells these students to stand up before the class and be interviewed by them. They stand up, but do not relate to the questions seriously: answer facetiously, or in their mother tongue, or not at all. The teacher eventually sends them back to their places, and goes on to the next planned activity, a textbook exercise.
(adapted from Sarah Reinhorn-Lurie, Unpublished research project on classroom discipline, Oranim School of Education, Haifa, 1992)

Examples from Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: 
Practice of Theory, CUP 1996

What goes around, comes around.
Carpe diem
Divide et conquere
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Tiger cage rule
Alpha wolf
Better safe than sorry

7 komentářů:

  1. A disciplined class should respect the teacher and listen to him/her at least to some degree.

    The attention should be mainly on the teacher, completing the given assignments and tasks. Of course, students are no robots and they all are never going to put 100% into listening only to the teacher and acting obedient... But there should be at least some degree of respect and obedience in the classroom.

    - Jiří Vácha

  2. Number 5 - We find it unwise to force children to talk about their families in the first place, as it can be a very sensitive and painful topic. We suggest giving the children a choice between answering truthfully and creating a fictional character with fictional family and submitting answers based on that - the accuracy of the answers doesn't matter, the vocabulary and talking skills do.
    Horáková, Takáčová

  3. Fichtnerová, Vávrová

    Task 1 - A disciplined class is working and cooperating
    Task 2
    ONE - The teacher will ask the whole class if they agree with Terry, listen to their opinions and ask for recommendation of different books, maybe a homework where they will find a few pages and bring them to the class
    THREE - After the climax the teacher tells to the class to start working on the worksheet and then comes to John and explains to him how to work on the worksheet.

  4. Disciplined class should make conscious effort to work and follow teachers instruction and to an extent be able to handle interruptions within the class.

    Libor Klasna

  5. Saidlová, Tetemondová
    Task 1 - We would ask the pupil to suggest different book. If the pupil would not know what to pick, we would ask them to look up a different book at home, that would be suitable for class. We would then consider if the book fits into our teaching plan. If there were more pupils that would like to change the book, we would set the task to the whole class.

    Task 3 -We would ignore the pupil and then we would talk to him in private after the class. We would not yell at him, but ask him what is a problem.

  6. ONE
    If the book teacher chose was not important we would ask Terry what book would he like to read and why is it more interesting. But if the assigned book was important in the lesson we would defend its importance.
    Kate and Aneta

  7. Number 4. ignore, adapt and overcome


Authentic materials

 ..are not created to teach the language.  A simple definition, isn't it? Task 1:  List all possible types of authentic materials! Task ...